Graveyard Point Plume Agate
Posted by Laura Greenshields on
Graveyard Point Plume Agate is a notable agate from far eastern Oregon. Grave Point Plume Agate occurs naturally in fractures of basalt. There are several agate vein exposes occurring about 10 feet or so. The veins range in thickness from around 1 inch to 18 inches, and can stretch for as long as 30 feet. Veins may branch in several different directions, although most veins are vertical.
Agate collectors have gathered in Eastern Oregon for almost 40 years . There have been several mining operations in this region in the past, and 3 or 4 claims are currently being worked. Graveyard Point Plume Agate is named because it has feather like patterns on a translucent backdrop. Colors include white, cream, pink, red, blue and purple.
Healing properties
Agate protects against the urges for something we don't need, and supports others who are balancing several occupations or obligations. It is used to support infants understand how to walk, and when they grow older, it is used for sports. Agate is believed to encourage marital fidelity and acts as a defensive shield that preserves the creativity and motivation of artists. Agate boosts functional strength and stamina for performers, athletes and mental endurance for educators and recreation workers. Agate aims to protect the heart and blood vessels.
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